PhD in the specialty 152 Metrology and information – measuring equipment

Specialty 152 Metrology and information – measuring equipment – the field of science that studies the creation, optimization and improvement of the regulatory framework and mechanisms for its application, methods and means to all branches of science, technology, national economy, as well as effective metrological support of the unity of measurement and testing..

Research areas:

– Creation of regulatory documents on standardization, certification and metrological support, development and improvement of scientific and technical terminology.

– Scientific and technical basis for creating regulatory documents on the safety of products (processes, works and services) for life, health, property of citizens, environmental protection and safety of national economic facilities taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters.

– Development of the scientific and technical base for the improvement of technical and economic indicators of production, systems for collecting, processing and efficient use of technical and economic information, creating a regulatory framework for resource-saving technologies.

– Creating new and improving existing tools and methods for assessing the accuracy of measurements and the quality of products and services to ensure competitiveness in the global market.

– Development of systems for the unification of requirements for scientific and technical products, compatibility studies and interchangeability of products.

– The study of physical phenomena for the construction of standards and measuring instruments.

– Investigation of the composition and properties of substances to create standard samples.

– Development of new and improvement of existing methods and measuring instruments and their metrological support.

– Optimization of schemes for transferring the size of physical units from standards to working measurement tools in order to simplify their structure, reducing the number of links and stages.

 – Creating a scientific and technical basis for protecting the interests of consumers and the participation of business entities of Ukraine in international scientific and technical cooperation and trade.