Invitation to participate in the guest lecture at the Fourth International Scientific Forum “Adaptive Processes in Education”

GUEST LECTURE of the Fourth International Scientific Forum “Adaptive Processes in Education”

REPORT: Educational Inequality: How Financial Disparities Shape Learning Across the Globe. The Global Impact of Money on Education.

Moderator: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Professor Jürgen KOBERLEIN-KERLER, General Director of IBK Ingenieurbuero Koeberlein GmbH & Co. KG, General Director of IBK, Member of the Alumni Association of the University of Würzburg Member of the Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. Würzburg, Germany.

February 7, 2025 (time 16.15-17.15)

Conference ID: 810 5317 0621
Access Code: 128227

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One-time specialized academic council ДФ 64.108.009. Acceptance of the dissertation by Ruslan Zhoga

One-time specialized academic council 64.108.009 for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree authorized to consider and conduct the defense of the thesis submitted by Ruslan Zhoga, PhD Candidate in 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences

PhD Candidate: Ruslan Zhoga

Title of the thesis: «Designing the personal educational environment of music teachers’ professional training» Read more

The updated Ukrainian National H-index Ranking 2023 has been published

The Ukrainian National H-index Ranking is aimed at assessing the scientific productivity of scientists, research groups and organizations based on the consolidated Hirsch index.

The ranking takes into account the total Hirsch index of Ukrainian scientific institutions, taking into account information from scientometric databases and platforms such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Based on these data, the National H-index Ranking indicator and the corresponding ranked position in the ranking (Position) are formed.

The ranking includes not only universities, but also the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the National Science Center Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology. The Ukrainian Engineering -Pedagogics Academy is on the 248th position out of 438.

Look at Ukrainian National H-index Ranking 2023

Look at UEPA data in the ranking (constantly updated)

One-time specialized academic council ДФ 64.108.008. Acceptance of the dissertation by Kravchuk Nadiia

One-time DF 64.108.008 with the right to accept for consideration and defend the dissertation of Kravchuk Nadiia Leonidivna for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy, speciality 015 Professional Education (by specialisations)

Candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Kravchuk Nadiia Leonidivna

Dissertation title: “Formation of competence of general secondary education workers in the field of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the process of advanced training ” Read more

Laboratory work on the Material Strength from German university for students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Welding

As part of the Twinning initiative launched by the British company Cormack Consultancy Group, have been found – European universities-partners that help Ukrainian universities organize educational and research activities during the war, as well as contribute to the recovery of damaged infrastructure.

The Private Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik – PHWT (Private University of Business and Technology), situated in Germany in Lower Saxony with locations in Wecht and Deepholtz, founded in 1998, became a partner of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. The Deepholtz campus offers four bachelor’s degree programs in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics and industrial engineering. The Wecht Campus is home to the Department of Business Administration, which offers four bachelor’s programs in business administration, business information systems, and a master’s program in business administration and management.

As part of the cooperation, PHWT experts are conducting a series of demonstration laboratory work on Material Strength for students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Welding. On June 6, three laboratory works were demonstrated:

  1. Impact strength of plastics.
  2. Tensile strength of plastics.
  3. Tensile strength of steel.

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One-time specialized academic council ДФ 64.108.004. Acceptance of the dissertation by Olexandr Kulakovskyi

One-time specialized academic council ДФ 64.108.004 for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree authorized to consider and conduct the defense of the thesis submitted by Olexandr Kulakovskyi, PhD Candidate in 01 “Education/ Pedagogy” majoring in 015 “Professional Education” (by specializations).

PhD Candidate: Olexandr Kulakovskyi

Title of the thesis: “Cultivating a competence in intellectual property rights protection in graduates of pedagogical institutions of higher education” Read more

Postgraduate students’ training with a German lecturer within the framework of the DAAD project has been completed at UEPA

The course “Theory and Methodology of Scientific Work”, taught by Oksana Melnyk, a lecturer at the Department of Business and Economic Education I of the University of Konstanz (Germany), has been successfully completed at UEPA within the project “Digital Ukraine: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis” of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The course covered the topics of planning a research project and finding a research topic, formulating a research question and research objective, the structure of a scientific written work (article), types of scientific sources and strategies for finding them, working with sources, and plagiarism. The classes ended with presentations of research papers by groups of graduate students. In total, 20 students of different years of study at the UIPA graduate program took part in the training. The course length is three academic credits. Read more

Municipal energy management project in Vyshgorod successfully completed

Despite the fact that the war continues in Ukraine, the electricity is regularly switch off and others problems and difficulties the project of municipal energy management Vyshgorod had finished in time.

The next steps of thermal modernization were made completely:

  1. replacement of windows for more energy-efficient;
  2. insulation of building’s roof;
  3. insulation of walls;
  4. installation of an individual heating unit;
  5. installing recuperators in each room;
  6. installation of ventilation and fire systems.

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UIPA postgraduate students started a course with a lecturer from the University of Konstanz (Germany) within the DAAD project

Within the framework of the project “Digital Ukraine: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis” project of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), implemented at UIPA together with the University of Konstanz (Germany), the postgraduate students have started the course “Theory and Methodology of Scientific Work”. The course is taught by Oksana Melnyk, a lecturer at the Department of Business and Economic Education I of the University of Konstanz (

The training is conducted in Ukrainian, but with the involvement of European experience and English-language sources. The course focuses on writing a research paper, working with sources, preventing plagiarism, and creating a presentation of the work. The course is worth a total of three academic credits.

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Municipal energy management project in Vyshhorod at the final stage

The work of the Ukrainian-German project on municipal energy management in Vyshgorod, Kyiv region, was continued after the re-establishment of financing chains and provision of quality materials.

Currently it is fully completed:

  • Replacement of windows.
  • Roof insulation.

The following stages of work have been started:

  • Insulation of facades.
  • Installation of an individual heating point.
  • Installation of air recuperators.
  • Installation of ventilation and fire protection system.

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